The text component implements the typography utility classes and makes it easy to map font styles to text. Text Variants h1h1-blockh1-block-largeh1-block-smallh2h3h3-blockh3-largeh3-smallh4h5h6bodybody-largebody-smallbody-xsmallblockquotecaptioneyebrowintro-pagesection-intro
Text Font Color primarysecondarytertiarybodybody-inverse
Text Alignment center
Other Styles Bold Elevated
Using the "as" Attribute The "as" attribute lets you specify the type of element that the text component shoulder render. It can be used to
assign styles that match the context of the scenario to an element that semantically is more appropriate. This text renders as an h2 element, but with body-large styles This text renders as an p element, but with h3 styles This text renders as a span element, but with body styles