The sock component is the main call to action and displays three large, animated links to the user.
Name Description
slot[name=""] The default slot the children of the sock, has a max child count of 3
slot[name="edit-description"] A slot for handling inline editing of the description attribute, if the attribute is present this will not be shown
slot[name="edit-header"] A slot for handling inline editing of the header attribute, if the attribute is present this will not be shown
part::(base) The base suite-surface element
part::(items-wrapper) The wrapper around the default slot
Main Sock Example The sock component is for displaying a series of links together and has a max child count of 3.
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Detailed Sock Example The sock component has a "detailed" variant for displaying sections with headers, descriptions, and calls to action. It also has a max child count of 3.
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For use in the detailed sock variant to display more information in each section.
Name Description
slot[name="cta"] The slot for calls to action
part::(base) The base suite-surface element
part::(header) The suite-text component for the header
part::(description) The suite-text component for the description
part::(cta-wrapper) The wrapper around the cta slot
Highlighting a Word in the Header The sock-item component has a header attribute that can highlight a word using the ** identifier.
Application Process Tuition and Fees Financial Aid Tour Campus